poems 2008-2017

The Eucalyptus Gave You More

Red to green memorial interchange 

All i want is alcohol and to stay private and an old radio

The archer school for girls 

The Jewish women’s council

 Persian ice cream

The thrift store 

The mother's let down

The chipped nails

The affluent curve in the road

The techno music

The way you ended up here

My first and second grade teacher what was her first name… Mrs. Melton.

I had the same teacher for both grades.

I was jealous of her daughter, she named her Mackenzie.

She was a few years younger than me, probably more like 8.

 Shelley, Katherine, what was her first name?

 I think my mom probably was aware of how much I loved her.

Plastic covering dirty things, tarps of brown and dirty grey blue, thrown over mounds of unwanted resources. All neat in a row along the highway.

No sunset tonight.

The homeless people were kicked out of Marmion way, near the train tracks, on their underground alley that they had created, the tent city that they lived in. we saw their shopping carts lined up in perfect straight line-order with the pile of mattresses right next to it.

I saw it late last night but you saw it two days ago.

When I started, the neighbors had had enough techno music, the way I used to dance always avoiding strangers unless I am in control and I say things first and then probably scare them away.

 Crying in Los Angeles.

 The curves to Malibu.

The way the money changes.

 Persian ice cream.

Iranian people.

I guess I am just like any other alcoholic now trying to numb out my feelings trying not to feel anything trying to quiet my mind and not have to hear the next sentence coming around the corner 

Perfect landscapes 

Copper details on my dream house 

The law of attraction

What brings things to you 

Honey hive 

A wolf kiss and you go by a bee hive 

A whale sign 

A pile again 

Dirt covered again in the same old whale sound 

An old radio I found at a thrift store at the Jewish women's thrift store where is that thrift store 

The canyons 

The sun again 

Landscaping to route  dripping bougainvillea 

Every single flower what is that medicine , that flower medicine again 

when will I press it in my Copper kettle

 let it's essences flow in to my face and my nostrils 

let the eucalyptus

let the eucalyptus 

finally do it's work

the work that it's been trying to do

 it shows itself when it hangs over the freeway lines 

the medians, the tunnel, it  throws itself out to you

it knows it's free to take, do you realize how much medicine it has and how tall it grows?

 I'm driving past it now it's next-door to Will Rogers.

Will Rogers got a name,

 Will Rogers got a street named something, what, why, did Will Rogers get that street named after him? 

The eucalyptus gave you more. 

I'm determined to find a use for Oleander but I'm too tired most days to try.

I wonder if that's how the prickly pear feels?

 They're everywhere they're rambling but they're always laying flat I want to be flat again that's why I drove for 40 miles to come out

to come all the way out here to the beach and lay flat again

I always wonder when can I just get flat again

The heliotrope 

The liquor store

 The pepper tree

-May 28, 2016, at 5:40 pm


It's too close it's too fucking close I am not even close enough

not even when I'm laying on top of you I want my arms to push all the way through you can never get close enough

I can't think of a more comfortable

of a more uncomfortable feeling

there's a ringing in my pelvic bone

there is a burning in my belly

there is stinging

and my shoulders

there is ringing in my ears in the deepest part of the inside of my years

and all I want to do is put you on the way inside of me

your entire body does it fit? Does it fit?

I tried to go the fastest I can around the tightest corners on the freeway to mimic the feeling of what it would probably feel like if I were to pass through you or you were to pass through

become transparent

become invisible and filled up at the same time

the heaviest smoke

silent wait that never existed

The heaviest and most silent wait that never existed 

-August 9, 2016, at 7:18 pm


You are a woman, too 

and to the mansion that her tide rises

 let it rise to the highest point 

Let it rise rise to the hills to the highest point 

Before the morning glory closes again

And the twisted vine of the grape gets stuck in the chicken wire fence 

The train rushes by inside the 

Dying think so clear 

As day and deadlines

We seem as loveclean as the seeds falling through your hands 

When we hear the mystery bear calling from the tips of the dirt mountain we untrust it like we don't recognize blood pink flowers that unfurl

Too early 

-August 3, 2015, at 6:58 pm


One day

I will paint pictures and be done sleepwalking

in the glowing shadow

I wish I would have been able to accept your love

back then I would have


-July 30, 2015, at 6:09 am


Holding on to a whale who is dying

Holding on

Holding onto a whale who is swimming and dying at the same time

Holding on by a thread to a swimming whale who is also dying

Swimming while dying people lose their freedom

so easy you will feel

the darkness I leave behind 

-August 15, 2015, at 11:55 am


I found the owl’s lair

Something has happened here

There are feathers scattered everywhere in golden salt cedar needles and silken spiderwebs

Then a skull

What was there before is still here

I was shaking when I arrived 

Are you looking for me?

I'm looking for you 

I sat then and said her name to myself

I'm not sure it helped

Anything can happen here

If you're soft

A talented reminder

-August 13, 2016, at 5:21 pm


It's the day after the Fourth of July, Independence Day.

I'm in Los Angeles I'm driving on the highway.

I don't know the name of it, it's going to be turning into the 101 soon.

I'm listening to my teacher Tara Brach. I skipped work today and I lied about it.

I told them I had been in an accident, which was not a lie, I was in an accident for a third time. First, I broke up with Kerby, then I broke up with her again when I found out she was sleeping with Anna, I'm breaking up with somebody who named herself after the sky.

She was presented to me and I met her and I was loving her and then I was hurting myself by loving her and she did hurt me. I am recognizing where I'm at and I'm seeing where I am

and I am trying to stay there with me in this moment

every moment

let it

It is becoming more difficult. I cry so deeply I have to gasp for my breath. I have to gasp for my breath when the tears come they are coming from such a deep spot in my earth.

I'm listening and I'm driving and I'm always watching.

Eating grapes from Laura's mom's tree listening to her tell me that I can't say that I hate my life, listening to this guy tell me that I can't kill myself, that it's not OK Listening to her tell me about her life stories and the patterns and the white supremacy and all of the programming and all of the ways that I didn't know that I have become insensitive to people’s histories and race and the inequalities that we oppress each other through, for and during all this but I am driving on this unnamed highway on this dangerous place and the car in front of me says “Cars can kill you” and I think I want to run my car off of this highway and then I look over and there is a memorial on this highway and the memorial on this highway is covered in in sunbleached tinsel and it is draped all over the fence the industrial fence that lines the highway, someone got out and made a serious memorial a memorial covered in sunbleached tinsel and things from the dollar store like fake flowers and pinwheels and streamers and now I am thinking, what will save me? what can I do to stay alive again today? and the only thing I can think of is to take a salt bath and then make a painting of all of the different memorials on the freeways all of the different handmade death shrines that everyone has ever made I  want to paint please I want to make a series of freeway shrines freeway memorial highway death shrines the remembering, the honoring, the grieving place and space from the dollar store the space in the world that somebody got out of their car and made the decision to memorialize their loved one who died on this freeway

-July 5, 2017

Givers Who Give

Third eye ravens and Nicotiana glauca in Elysian park

these are the ribbons of gifts that open when we walk together

Spare ribs and rosé

Portal walk to heal the black dahlia house trauma

because whoever was murdered there, wants to come hang out in your bedroom and we can’t have that, we both felt her or him or them sitting in the corner of your room as we made love that night, we called it Grey Guy

So we exorcise her sad spirit and send the pain away with Frank Ocean songs, a red bottlebrush flower placed on each side of the steps, crazy laughter, wishes of dragons, and plenty of cuddling on your brown leather couch

You feed me ice cream there and  and buy us a bunch of meat so I can cook for you.

We make kelp noodles and sausages and cuddle on your couch watching funny ancient stories that hold the symbols of things that we already saw together, like ravens and crows and hands and torn up pieces of linen and cotton.

You say I make you feel an electricity in your trunk, in your heart chakra. 

Your whole family are taureans. Your mom is a seeker, you say that we can talk about philosophy and the deeper pools of things. We switch in middle of sentences to describe feeling, and depth, and wonder.

I feel handsome and romantic again. You kept your candle lit for me. You bring me a magnolia flower that you picked from your tree, you tell me how hot I am.

You fix my wounds for me. We are givers. We are givers to give, we are givers who haven't been used to receiving, but are learning. It's only been a little bit of time but there's a timestamp that you placed on me along time ago and it is coming into fruit and when I look at you I do future trip, it's too bad, and I'm sorry that I do it but I can't help but see everything with you, it's scary and I'm not gonna say it to anyone except for to this note on this phone and on this computer but I'm saying into the universe and the universe already heard me, it's in motion .

With you I know that I have said things I wanted but it's my new attempt at a new lifestyle, new adult way of teaching, learning, and beginning again.

To talk to you

It's important and then we laugh and crack up in between trying to be serious because everything is funny and we know what's next. I am telling you about how I want you to touch me I am telling you about what has worked for me in the past but it's really easy because I do.

You make me feel safe and I don't need to feel safe but it's a really nice thing to have in my back pocket. I saw pictures of you and your mom, I saw pictures of you, I saw pictures of you when you were little and I can see fast eyes, chill times, laughter, confidence, a seeker, and also someone who just adores to exist in this world with no extra baggage and I think that you have shared a lot. There's a comfort because I can see how much weight you have already shed that isn't necessary to the remainder of your path. You are doing a good job and so am I. We will do it.


I had a Chanel shirt

And then I saw on your mom's Facebook page she called her horse Rubicon 

And I named my cabin that

And saw it for weeks on the cars 

The next morning


Love making and stories of poems

You make me butter coffee and play me songs I've never heard and become obsessed with and then share them with my friends 

Our bands are Wicker Halter and Brothel Fire 

This poetry is happening 

Dagger Moon

Romance Candle

I'm lost in music again

Dream lady she dreamt of me and it was nice


Los Feliz is a feeling

And a street 

I'm okay and 

I'm okay 

And I need to keep healing the sacral


Spare ribs

Your names in mine

I saw the golden ribbon of light connecting us

My magnolia

Haven't recorded any new synchronicities since end of July so here are a few new:

On Rowena now in her new house

After the ghost house

And New Order happened 

And I hear it all over the city and more 80’s songs

And the music feels

Alive again

Her mom's horse’s name is the same as my cabin, Rubicon 

And she reminds me of both Meredith and Chris at the same time

Sagittarius rising 

This day I found out her mom calls her Lou like my Lou in Portland, my sweet little twin soul

I can't remember all the cool little synchronicities and times I've felt some sort of feeling of being home finally

We danced last night and ate chicken wings at Ye Olde Rustic Inn and the radio played Temptation and Ceremony for us there, the songs always haunt me, no matter what

So much love making my body is vibrating 



I want to buy her a present but nothing’s even good enough 

Carlton Burger Figueroa and his older more suave brother, Lee Sycamore, two of the funny voices of silly characters I make up to make you laugh - they’re awkward older well meaning men, one is a BBQ chef fantastico and the other a professional brick maker who likes only brown paper towels in his house, and he confesses, that he’s only trying his darndest to figure out just how to attract a woman, a good woman, a kind woman, a high quality woman he can call


-August 18, 2017 at 4:58 pm











Poems II


Poems IV